The crew has been planting away this week! There is now lettuce, kohlrabi, bok choy and kale in the ground. These are all crops that can tolerate cooler temperatures as we are still getting some cold nights! We are continuing to harvest tulips and fancy daffodils from the field as well as a few crops from the high tunnels. We are keeping an eye on the asparagus, it looks like it will be ready for harvest in a week or two! Online ordering will open today, Thursday April 28th at noon for pick up Friday, April 29th from 2pm-4pm and 4pm-6pm (ordering will close at 7am Friday). Pick-ups will again be on the porch of our farm stand at 449 Barretts Mill Rd. Concord, MA.
To order visit:
Available for pre-orders:
Creme Upstar tulips - Light yellow flowers with rose edges and ivory interior. These are double blooming tulips that will look peony-like once open. They are a new variety for us! Bunches of 8-10 stems, wrapped in brown paper. Certified organic.
Fancy daffodils - 10 stems. Certified organic.
Radish bunches - Bunches of 6-7 round red radishes. Certified organic, grown in our high tunnel!
Pea shoots - 0.15lb, unwashed. Certified organic, grown in our high tunnel!
Fat Moon Mushrooms - Farmer’s Mix, 8 oz bags. Certified organic, grown in Chelmsford, MA. This is separate from the Mushroom CSA!
Herb seedlings: Sage, Parsley, Thyme. All suitable for container or garden planting. Certified organic.
Online ordering tips and reminders:
Orders are open to everyone! You do not need to be a member to purchase.
You do not need to create an account to place an order.
Be sure to choose your pick-up time (there is a red drop-down menu in the upper right-hand of the screen). If you don’t choose a time, you won’t be able to see the items in the shop.
Once an item is sold out for the day, it disappears from the online shop.
Payments are made by credit card unless you are a Barrett’s Bucks member. Barrett’s Bucks members may select the “Bucks” payment option. (it says “free” in parentheses behind both payment options - this just means that it is free to use that payment option, not that the product is free!).