Farm Store: The farm store will be open and staffed this week! This means payment options now include credit cards, cash, check, and EBT (SNAP benefits). We will have asparagus, strawberries, spinach, bok choy, mini daikon radishes and more available! Farm store hours are Tuesday-Friday 11am - 6pm and Saturday 9am-3pm.
CSA: The CSA begins next week! Pick-ups will be Wednesday June 7th from 11am-6pm and Saturday June 10th from 9am-3pm! Members may come to pick up either day. If you are a new member, staff will provide your CSA bag and give you a short orientation when you arrive for your first pick-up!
Mushroom CSA: Now that the farm store is staffed this week you may come to pick up your mushrooms anytime the farm store is open (Tuesday-Friday 11am-6pm and Saturday 9am-3pm). Your mushrooms will be kept in the cooler and retrieved by the shopkeeper when you arrive at the store. It is week 4 of the 8-week Spring Mushroom CSA. This week’s mushrooms are a mix of Black Pearl and King Trumpet Oyster.
Online Ordering: We will continue to offer online ordering. Pre-orders open Monday May 29th at 6pm for pick-up Wednesday May 31st from 2pm-6pm. Orders will then re-open Wednesday at 6pm for Friday June 2nd 2pm-6pm pick-up. Online ordering allows you to be sure to have what you would like when you arrive at the farm stand so is suggested if you prefer to come to the farm store later in the day! To order visit:
Available for walk-up sales and pre-orders this week:
Strawberries - While we’ve had a good strawberry harvest so far, popularity is high, meaning we will continue to place customer limits in the hopes that those who can’t get to the farm stand early in the day still have an opportunity to purchase some. We will also continue to have a limited number of strawberries available in our online store!
Bok Choi
Mini Daikon Radishes
Flower bouquets - High tunnel-grown flowers: Snapdragons and Stock
Seedlings - herbs, tomato, pepper, eggplant and lemongrass. We will no longer be listing most seedlings in the online store as supply is dwindling, but we will still have basil and eggplant seedlings online.
Mushrooms from Fat Moon Farm - Shiitake pints and Farmer’s Mix 8oz bag or box
Double B Honey - From hives on the property. Not certified organic. $12/ 1lb jar
Later in the week we will have baby bok choi, Shishito pepper seedlings, and posssibly the first Sweet William flowers and Salanova lettuce mix!