Freezing temperatures on Wednesday night damaged most of our asparagus that would have been ready for harvest today so we will have a very limited supply at the self-serve farm store. We hope to have more asparagus tomorrow (Saturday) when new, undamaged spears emerge. The good news is that we have begun to harvest spinach from the field and will have it for sale today! We also have green garlic, Fat Moon mushrooms, and our very Bridal Pink snapdragons from our high tunnel! We also have many plants available including herbs, sweet peppers, tomatoes (heirloom, slicers, cherry, and grape). Our self-serve farm stand is open to all, payment options are cash (exact change), check, or Barrett’s Bucks. If you would like to pay with EBT, please email Melissa to arrange a time so that a crew member can meet you at the farm stand.
Farm Store Hours:
Tuesday-Friday 11am-6pm
Saturday 9am-3pm
Available for walk-up sales today (Friday) and Saturday:
Asparagus - Limit 1 bunch per customer, $5/bunch
Spinach - $5/bag
Green Garlic - $3.50/bunch
Snapdragons - Bridal Pink variety from our high tunnel! $20/bouquet
Herb seedlings: Basil, Parsley, Sage, Chives, Oregano, Thyme. $4/pot
Tomato, Pepper and Lemongrass seedlings - Multiple varieties. $5/pot
Mushrooms from Fat Moon Farm - Shiitake pints $6 and Farmer’s Mix 8oz bag or box $10
Double B Honey - From hives on the property. Not certified organic. $12/ 1lb jar