Due to the recent cold temperatures we will not be offering ordering today (Wednesday) for Thursday pick up as originally planned. The next order cycle for our online store will begin Thursday at 2pm for pick-ups on Friday. On Thursday the online store will have the following available for pick up on Friday (2pm-4pm and 4pm-6pm): asparagus, microgreens, tulips and seedlings (basil, parsley and tomato plants!) for sale as well as mushrooms from Fat Moon Farm and raspberry jam and vinegar from Silferleaf Farm. With the weather warming up at the end of the week we do plan to have Friday ordering for Saturday pick up as well.
Other than blooming strawberry plants all of our current field crops are cold hardy so can survive this unseasonable weather. It does mean some things are growing slowly but we are still on track for the CSA to begin June 9th and for us to continue to offer items in the farm store until then, with asparagus being the main crop in May, accompanied from a few other crops as available.