The Col. James Barrett historical house makes for a picturesque neighbor all year long! |
The snow held off just long enough for our white barn, currently under renovation, to be ready to house our tractors. The idling tractors warming up outside made the farm sound like summer for a moment! They are now all inside, protected from the wind and snow to come. We also moved inside our rototiller, the first equipment on our list for winter repairs. Some of our hardier implements remain outside to brave the winter weather until we put them to use again in the spring. In addition to assessing our equipment needs, we also took the time last week to inventory our irrigation, fencing, and other field supplies. More acres planted in 2015 means the need for more row cover, fence posts, and irrigation capacity. Back in the office we made our lists for field supply orders and carefully examined our crop plan and soil tests to determine our fertilizer requirements. It is much easier to determine fertility needs and application rates during a work day in January than it is at 5am in July! We will be cozy in our office during the snow tomorrow, with the exception of maybe a snowy walk around the farm if the sun comes out. We hope you all have similar plans for a safe and pleasant snow day tomorrow!
Our perfecta and plastic mulch layer. |