2025 Reduced Price CSA
2025 Reduced Price CSA
There are Small and Regular size options for the CSA in 2025. Small memberships are about 70% of the volume of the Regular memberships and do not include pick-your-own strawberries. There are also two schedule choices: Extended Season (24 weeks) and Flex (20 weeks of your choosing out of 24 weeks). Pick up times for all CSA options are Wednesdays 11am - 6:30pm and Saturdays 9am-3pm. For more details about the differences in memberships visit the CSA Options page of our website.
A deposit or payment in full will secure your spot. If paying a deposit, the remaining balance of $350 is due April 15, 2025. All memberships include a new CSA bag. Reduced Pricing for each option is as follows:
Regular Extended CSA: $940
Regular size Flex CSA: $828
Small size Extended CSA: $656
Small size Flex CSA: $580